Blackboard Ultra: Grading Discussion Boards


This article explains how to grade discussion boards in Blackboard Ultra.



How to Grade Discussion Boards


Discussion boards are flexible tools that allow students to participate in asynchronous discussions by sharing thoughts and ideas about class materials. Students do not need to be in the same location or time zone to participate. Typically, the instructor starts the conversation and acts as the moderator and facilitator throughout the discussion. This document will detail how to grade discussions.

1. Click Gradebook from the navigation bar.
2. Select the discussion to grade.
3. Select a student’s name to begin grading.
The student’s response will open underneath your original discussion description. The right panel will show an analysis of the response in comparison to the class average.
4. Enter a grade in the box provided in the upper right corner.

IDDC Pro Tip: Grades will only be visible to you until you post them to the gradebook. You can post grades individually as you grade each student’s work or you can post all grades at once.

5. To post a grade immediately, select the options menu and choose Post.


6. Use the right and left pointing arrows to navigate through the students.
7. Click the purple "X" to return to the gradebook.



Article ID: 132382
Wed 5/26/21 7:47 AM
Mon 8/9/21 4:33 PM